Saturday, April 5, 2014

Game time!

It's almost time!!  This time tomorrow, I should be a half-ironman!  Lol.

The forecast has been inaccurate, and we didn't see the rain today that we thought.  As of now, the race is ON!  And I'm READY!  And NERVOUS!  And CONFIDENT!  And ANXIOUS!  And STOKED!

Most of all, and most importantly, I feel prepared mentally and physically.

So here is my plan.  You'll notice it is SIMPLE!

Swim:  Get to the right and get my heart rate down and under control as quickly as possible.  Once I get to the first buoy, I start swimming with the current, and should be in a good rhythm.  Nice and easy pace.  Walk, don't run, to transition.  I'm not worried about time AT ALL today.  This is FAR MORE than my body has ever attempted to do.  Crossing the finish line IS winning!

Bike:  Don't feel like I'm working hard, and just find a nice easy spin.  Look at this portion in 5 segments of 11 or so miles each.  I will be getting off every 11 miles to stretch, hydrate, get the heck off of my seat, and take some nutrition.  There is a great chance we will be riding in the rain and strong winds.  Don't let this part overwhelm me...

Run:  Simple.  There is an aid station every mile, so just jog between them, and walk through and get hydration and nutrition.  Nice easy pace.  Don't be afraid to walk some if I feel cramps or issues coming on.

Ok!  HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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